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Re: packages affected list for must changes to policy (was: Re: Bug#91257: [PROPOSED] changes to X font policy)

On Sun, Mar 25, 2001 at 09:39:56PM +1000, Jason Parker wrote:
> Seth Arnold <sarnold@willamette.edu> writes:
> > * Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> [010325 02:30]:
> > > There's 6720 packages in sid/i386 at the moment, btw, not 8458.
> > Thanks for the correction. At ten seconds per package, this is still
> > nearly nineteen hours though.
> Luckily we have these marvellous contraptions called computers which
> are capable of performing boring, repetitive tasks over and over and
> over with a minimum of fuss on the part of the operator.

Further to this:

] ajt@auric:~$ zgrep 'usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts' woody/Contents-i386.gz  | 
]   sed 's/^.* //;s,.*/,,' | sort -u > fontpkgs.lst
] ajt@auric:~$ zgrep 'bin/' woody/Contents-i386.gz | sed 's/^.* //;s,.*/,,' | 
]   sort -u > binpkgs.lst
] ajt@auric:~$ comm -1 -2 binpkgs.lst fontpkgs.lst 
] bitchx
] cmatrix
] dosemu
] tilp
] x3270
] xawtv
] xtel

bitchx provides:

cmatrix provides:

dosemu provides:

tilp provides:

x3270 provides:
  (and others)

xawtv provides:

xtel provides:

This doesn't cover non-US/*, and it mightn't be complete for
main/contrib/non-free, but it doesn't exactly take 20 hours... Providing
a patch for lintian would be even better, of course, but something like
the above would suffice as far as I'm concerned.

Actually, it isn't complete for main/contrib/non-free: nethack didn't show
up because it keeps its binary in /usr/games. Packages like it are:


A brief search of those packages' bug pages only turns up the following
font related bugs:

  #38425: x3270: x3270,WindowMaker &
          /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled segfault
  #89095: cmatrix doesn't run update-fonts-alias on postrm

There weren't any bugs that I could see about fonts in a binary package.
There's already a "should" directive, so there's justification for them
even without the "must".


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

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                      -- John S. Novak, III (The Humblest Man on the Net)

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