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Re: Bug#88029: allow rules file to be non-makefile

Thus spoke Julian Gilbey <J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk> on 2001-03-01 01:22:03:
> [...]
> # core methods
> DEBIAN . do_header : 'echo "==> [$($THIS . MAKE_LEVEL)] Making $@" 1>&2
>         $THIS . MAKE_LEVEL =q $(expr $($THIS . MAKE_LEVEL) + 1)'
> [...]

I agree. This shouldn't be in the rules file.

> # This is Evil.
>         $THIS . do rm -f debian/shoop-dev/usr/share/doc/shoop/copyright
>         $THIS . do rm -f debian/shoop-dev/usr/share/doc/shoop/changelog{,.gz}
>         $THIS . do rm -f debian/shoop-modules/usr/share/doc/shoop/copyright
>         $THIS . do rm -f debian/shoop-modules/usr/share/doc/shoop/changelog{,.gz
> }
> # Evil ends here.

This is evil, becuase it removes files debhelper installed.

> [...]
> Parts of it are readable, parts are not quite so readable.  It's
> essentially a highly simple package, and yet its rules file requires
> "ugly IFS magic" and "Evil" code.

ugly IFS magic is there because shoop mangles IFS, so if I want a
list, I have to do some tricks. This too will be resolved soon.

As I stated above, the code marked Evil so not evil because it
does nasty tricks, it just removes some files so I can make
shoop-dev and shoop-modules a symlink to shoop.

> If this is the way things are likely to go, then I maintain that to
> ensure we build good packages, we should stick with makefiles, which
> are designed to do things just like this.

I have seen debian/rules in Debain that were far worse than this.
Some of them got rewritten, some might still be there. Enforcing
makefiles doesn't guarantee that debian/rules will be readable.

Also, Policy allows the maintainer to have *binary* postinst/whatever
scripts. The only criteria is that the must be proper executable
files. I think that if it allows maintainer scripts to be whatever
the maintainer wants, it should not stop him from writing the
debian/rules in whatever language he likes.

Futhermore, as stated in the original proposal, this would be
good for the minority, most people will continue to write
makefiles, because that's the usual way, but something being
usual should not stop others to do things a differently.

Gergely Nagy \ mhp/|8]
---------------------=]| algernon@debian.org |[=---------------------
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