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Re: Bug#88029: allow rules file to be non-makefile

joy@cibalia.gkvk.hr (Josip Rodin)  wrote on 01.03.01 in <[🔎] 20010301130933.A1738@cibalia.gkvk.hr>:

> These two things aren't demanded by Policy AFAICT, it just so happens that
> they're possible to be done. Had we used perl or shell as rules file
> previously, there would be similar things that would be made nonstandard by
> allowing e.g. makefiles.

Exactly, and both cases would be bad. There's absolutely no good reason to  
remove the options that the current choice gives us.

This is a loss of flexibility solely for the sake of change. This is evil.

> It's basically a choice between conservatively sticking to the standard, and
> allowing some innovation within the standard.

Enforcing make allows innovation. Dropping that requirement disallows a  
large number of possible innovations. Don't do it.

MfG Kai

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