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Bug#78012: Origin and Bugs headers proposal

Previously Chris Lawrence wrote:
> What is the status of this proposal?  Are we still undecided on its
> merits or do we just lack patches to the policy and packaging manuals
> to codify it?

I'm still in favour of my proposal.

> If we don't have consensus on this approach, maybe Nicolás'
> implementation of the concept within the package itself (rather than
> in the package control file) is appropriate; see
> /usr/doc/bug/README.developers for a description.

Having to install a package to get the information is a downside imho,
I frequently file bugreports for packages having a wrong description
without ever installing them for example.

> FWIW both methods are implemented by reportbug, so neither is that
> hard to do...  I guess it's a tradeoff between Packages bloat and
> littering small files in a directory.

The bloat of putting it in the package metadata is *much* less then
having lots of small files in a directory actually.

The system that bug uses also has the major downside that it is
not easily overriden, which is trivial to do using the dpkg approach
by just modifying /etc/dpkg/origins/##### ., and it doesn't support
multiple bugreporting schemes (which vendors have been asking me


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