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Re: [PROPOSAL] Full text of GPL must be included

>>"Rando" == Rando Christensen <illuzion@xanthor.net> writes:

 Rando> The problem with that is, an aliened .deb has been received
 Rando> from us,

	This statement is not correct. The Debian project does not
 distribute alienated rpms. The person at fault, if indeed there is
 someone at fault, is the entity that used alien. 

 Rando> thus counting as us distributing it. And the aliened .deb (and
 Rando> the resulting .rpm/slack .tgz) would not contain the gpl in
 Rando> this circumstance, which makes us be violating the
 Rando> gpl. apparently. 

	Sure, and we are responsible for global warming and the roght
 hand star in cluster 12465 going nova as well. Oooh, tar can be used
 to create a package of GPL'd software that does not contain the GPL,
 so let us force tar to include the GPL in every archive it creates. 

	If this kind of silly and irresponsible blame allocation is
 all you think is the cause of this, we can thankfully just let this

Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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