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Re: Hard-coding release names in policy (was Re: [PROPOSED} delay the /usr/doc transition)

>>"Chris" == Chris Waters <xtifr@dsp.net> writes:

 Chris> Sorry, I'm not saying the latter is an inherently bad thing to
 Chris> do, I'm saying that if that's our *only* option, then we may
 Chris> have a problem.  I *do* think it's bad to have "this may be
 Chris> amended in the future" as our only way to embed strategy in
 Chris> policy.

        It is not the only way, but should only be used sparingly
(given the loss of flexibility that the fuzzy end state
 provides). You have not convinced me that this is such a time.

 Chris> Again, I think we need a way to describe our longer-term strategies
 Chris> somewhere.

        How formal do you want this to be? I would not make such
 strategy documents static, nor a part of policy. What about a file in
 the doc directory, to be removed when we are done? What about a fixed
 bug in the bts? 

 Chris> Policy, IMO, should describe what to do now.  But we *should*,
 Chris> IMO, have somewhere that documents where we're trying to go,
 Chris> and how we're planning to get there.  That's why I think that
 Chris> having a Strategy document that takes precedence over Policy
 Chris> (i.e. can automatically obsolete parts of Policy and cause
 Chris> them to be replaced when certain milestones are met) is a
 Chris> great idea.  (Although, obviously, a non-trivial project to
 Chris> get started....)

        I think this is too heavy wieght a process. I would rather
 that the control be in the hands of a human, and not institute new
 rules like that. The file I propose above would only serve to refresh
 our memory, and so we do not run through all the old arguments again.

        I think there is an advantage to not putting the policy list
 in a strait jacket. If it makes sense now, it would still make sense
 later. But leaving it informal gives us the option of changing if the
 situation has changed. Making strategy that is fixed now is not as
 good as creating guidleines that are hardened into policy when

 Chris> You may be right that it's the best we can do at this point,
 Chris> but then I think we should go all the way with this, and have
 Chris> Policy specify the terms under which certain of its clauses
 Chris> become obsolete, and what replaces them, rather than leaving
 Chris> that up in the air.  If we're not going to hard-code release
 Chris> names, then we need to make sure we don't get stuck with a
 Chris> temporary policy as permanent policy somehow.

        Why do you have so little trust in the future policy decision
 makers? I would seriously object to any body who tries to reach out
 of the past and tell me that they knew back then the right thing to
 do better than we do now, knowing the ground and the current

        I would agree to keeping notes, and rationales, and what we
 think should be done, and take the final decision later (which may be
 to accept the old decision ``since nothing has changed''). Not


 Q: What do agnostic, insomniac dyslexics do at night? A: Stay awake
 and wonder if there's a dog.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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