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Re: Source dependencies: are we ready?

At 00:14 +0100 1999-10-26, Julian Gilbey wrote:
Just a question which I haven't thoroughly investigated yet:

I'm about to add #41232 (source dependencies) to the next policy
version.  But will this break existing tools?  In particular, will the
dpkg* tools yet be able to build a package using a Source-Depends:
field, or will they die?  If the latter, then we need a dpkg NMU
(Wichert? Ben?) before this can be placed in policy.

The tools ignore fields that they don't understand. However, dpkg-dev does need to be modified to know the fields specifically or it will not pass them through from the control file (which is done in dpkg CVS).

I do have a problem with the text for policy; it does not explain the difference between Build-Indep-{Depends,Conflicts} and Build-{Depends,Conflicts}. I don't have a clear idea of the difference, and I participated in the discussion of the proposal. Someone who simply reads the new policy will have no clue (besides perhaps guessing that the -Indep form has some relation to binary-indep) what exactly the difference is and in what situations each is used.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                    Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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