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Re: policy change to 3.0.0: not before release? (was: Re: when move /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc ?

On Jun 30, Joseph Carter wrote:
> ICK!  What gives you that idea?  Any sane upgrade to FHS should be able
> to be done partially at any time.  This is why we're having issues with
> figuring out what to do with /usr/share/doc still.

As far as I can tell, the only inter-package issue is /usr/share/doc;
everything else should be internal to most packages or within a subset
of them.  (And many of the other issues are already being dealt with...)

So FHS compliance with the possible exception of /usr/share/doc should
be easily doable.  I dunno if it's critical for potato
though... perhaps for potato+1 (woody? I can't remember).

(And /usr/share/doc could be dealt with with some hacks to dpkg, if we
expect all of /usr/doc to move... just make potato's dpkg rewrite the
filenames and modify /var/lib/dpkg/package.list accordingly.)

The more critical issue is overlapping installations into /usr/share
on multiple machines, but this isn't an FHS issue, it's a packaging
and dependency issue.

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