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Idea: /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register in the policy?

Hi people,

In the 2.2.x series there is a feature that allows the user to define
shells for certain types of files. Selecting on extension or a few magic

This could be useful for languages where the "#!" trick wouldn't work,
like lisp. For the moment I have in a documentation-file:

echo ':lisp:E::x86f::/usr/bin/lisp-start:'  > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register
# this should only work for root under linux 2.1.XX or later
# now you can do "chmod a+x hello.x86f" and
# ./hello.x86f
# from your favorite shell.

Is there sufficient interest to make a register-binary-format shell
script (like update-inetd, or register-window-manager) and put it into
the documentation?

Groetjes, Peter

It's logic Jim, but not as we know it. | pvaneynd@debian.org for pleasure,
"God, root, what is difference?" - Pitr| pvaneynd@inthan.be for more pleasure!
"God is more forgiving." - Dave Aronson| http://cvs2.cons.org/~pvaneynd

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