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Marking the BTS according to Manoj's system

retitle 37713 [ACCEPTED 1999/05/15] Separate menu policy (like virtual package list)
severity 37713 normal
forwarded 37713 debian-policy@lists.debian.org
retitle 37338 [ACCEPTED 1999/05/04] Libtool archive (*.la) files in -dev' packages
severity 37338 normal
forwarded 37338 debian-policy@lists.debian.org
retitle 37342 [ACCEPTED 1999/04/28] Logrotation
severity 37342 normal
forwarded 37342 debian-policy@lists.debian.org
retitle 37389 [ACCEPTED 1999/05/09] Utmp group proposal
severity 37389 normal
forwarded 37389 debian-policy@lists.debian.org
retitle 37345 [ACCEPTED 1999/05/09] Adopt the FHS in place of FSSTND
severity 37345 normal
forwarded 37345 debian-policy@lists.debian.org
retitle 38212 [AMENDMENT 1999/05/23] Rewrite of section 5.7 (Programs for the X Window System)
severity 38212 normal
retitle 37251 [AMENDMENT 1999/05/06] Software depending on non-US
severity 37251 normal

The following proposals/amendments do not appear to have been filed in
the BTS; perhaps the proposers could arrange for this to be done?
  Let's Debian blow... gracefully!
  Md5sum proposal
  Automatic installation and configuration
  Configuration of packages
  Patented software == non-free?

These accepted policy ammendments may well push up the minor policy
number: here's to Standards-Version:!



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
        Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://www.debian.org/~jdg

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