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Re: Bug#35655: Grub package violates filesystem standard

On Tue, Apr 06, 1999 at 06:47:53PM -0400, Steve Dunham wrote:
> I really, really don't like the addition of /share to the root
> directory.  One alternative would be a directory under /lib
> (e.g. /lib/grub) for the pristine copy of stage[12] or in an
> additional directory under /boot (e.g. have both the copy that is
> modified by /sbin/grub and the original in /boot).
> I've cc'd debian-policy, if they don't care, I'll let it slide.
> Steve
> dunham@cse.msu.edu

What does the FHS say about /share or the place to put files like that?  My
guess is either /share isn't allowed (o, thre's the anser) or the FHS team
havn't though of this condition and we should send the question up to them
to find out what they think before making a decision ourselves.

FWIW, I say FHS because it's supposedly a goal to migrate to that.
Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *
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