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lib package w/o -dev?


I've got a question about a package I'm making(emusic).  I have
some lib packages made, but they only contain *.so, *a, and *.la
files.  Do I need a -dev package for the *.a and *.la files?  Or can
I just put them in a package like emusic-helpers?  Clarification
would be much appreciated :)  Please CC me on any replies, as I'm
not subscribed to the list.  Thanks.


Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org> http://web.terminus.cicat.com
Programmer/Systems Administrator
CICAT Networks   cicat@cicat.com  703.383.1400  http://www.cicat.com/
PGP Key: pub  1024/3A800C65 1998/04/20 Brian M. Almeida <bma@debian.org>
"People who don't understand UNIX are doomed to recreate it, badly."

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