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Problems with build target


I've noticed some problems with packages that I took over from
others or that I'm packaging as security manager.

I normally issue a command similar to "make -f debian/rules build"
to get the package compiled.  I'm normally doing this with new
packages before I add my patches.  After I've added my patches
often this command doesn't re-build the files.

The reason is that inside of debian/rules a stamp-file is used
to indicate that the build process was successful.  Unfortunately
this stamp-file is called 'build' - similar to the target I have
to use.  As there are normaly no depends on the build target
make will refuse to run the build stage.

I'd like to make it policy that the stamp-file is NOT called
'build' but something else, I still use stamp-build like in
the early days - the name is intentional.




  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/  Unable to locate coffee, operator halted.  -- Stefan Farsch  /

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