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Re: GPL v.3?

On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 11:30:53AM -0500, john@dhh.gt.org wrote:
> > But if someone modifies the GPL and releases a program under the modified
> > GPL, that is an incompatibility which you can't correct.  You can't
> > modify his program to put it under the real GPL!
> But if someone writes his own license and screws it up, you may not even be
> able to use his program!

Licensing is messy, get used to it.  See KDE for an example, though I guess
they are going to eventually clean that up (I hope!)

> > So people can and occasionally do write incompatible kinds of copyleft
> > using language much like the GNU GPL.  But they surely do it less often
> > than if we invited them to do it, and that is very important.
> And they surely bungle it more often than they would if they were allowed
> to derive from the GPL, and that is very important.  Software published
> under defective licenses often cannot be distributed at all.

I still argue that you can derive from the GPL without the GPL permitting
you do so.  Otherwise, the modified BSD license used in several places (the
2 and 3 clause versions) would be copyright infringement.  If that sort of
is the case as Manoj suggests, well, the X license which includes such a
modified license is copyright infringement.  This could get messy fast.  =>

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