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Re: Chosing release goals for slink

> I was assuming all of the Debian dev packages would be installed on
> these build hosts.

These are myriads, too :-), and the source dependencies of package
aren't so uniform... For example, some packages need specific versions
(happened with gimp/lingtk-dev), depend on emacs being present,
depend on 2.1 kernel headers, apache, ... and so on. It's not
sufficient to install just all -dev packages. The most annoying is
that several Tcl/Tk related packages need unpacked and configured
source trees of Tcl and/or Tk, in correct version of course :-)

> Sure, your hypothetical example is valid. How about restricting the
> automation to the myriad of optional and extra packages, with an
> excludes list for unsuitable packages.

I'd say --if at all-- the other way 'round: Say which packages are so
unimportant that they don't require testing... But least one should
still look at the build logs. There are enough packages out there that
don't stop on compiling errors and build bogus packages nevertheless.


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