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Re: PROPOSAL: Extrafiles (was Re: Conffiles...)

>>"Philip" == Philip Hands <phil@hands.com> writes:

Philip> For example, suppose we decided to move `organisation' to be
Philip> under /usr/share at some point in the future.  I can see how
Philip> we would arrange this with one package owning the file, but if
Philip> all the packages ``own'' it, moving it becomes very painful.

	Umm, you may just move the file there easily, but that would
 break most packages, until one went in and changed the
 location the programs look in as well.

	In eihter case, a sumbolic link in the old location would
 serve quite well, until the packages were updated. (all programs
 would then look in new location, look in old locatio and offer to
 move; or ask the user and create in new location if nothing is in
 either place).

	I think this needs more investigation; how many cases are we
 talking about here?

 Date: 20 Mar 90 01:21:37 GMT From: merlyn@iwarp.intel.com (Randal
 Schwartz) $_=',Pr0e=kRcza0hb 5lOr+e"PE :rBe}hRtho]nhaj
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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