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Re: `du' control files

>>"Christian" == Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

Christian> Let me summarize this discussion so far: There is a good
Christian> use for the `du' control files but there isn't yet a script
Christian> to do something useful with these files, right?

	Doing the du when one does not know the setup on the
 target machine is useless. I think that if at all required, the tool
 should look into /etc/fstab (on the end machine), find out the mount
 points (following symlinks and all) and then run du on the package. 

	Failing that, the du options are just a half hearted attempt,
 and should be shelved until a decent solution can be drafted.

	Impleent first, design later only leads one into a strait
 jacket with very limited available courses of action.

	I think people shall find that trying to design a tool may
 significantly alter the current half-baked approach.

Christian> If so, I suggest that we silently accept the du files for
Christian> now, just as we do with the md5sums files (which aren't
Christian> required or even mentioned in the policy manual).

	This is entirely up to you. I see no significat advantage to
 having them in, and I feel they are a waste of disk space, but disk
 space is cheap, and we can afford to squander it.


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