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Re: maintainer policy and project organization


	I agree with most of what Christian said. As a corollary, I
 would like to add to policy that <maintainer>@debian.org be a working
 email address.

	All it needs is a simple one line .qmail file on master, and
 it is a convenient means of contacting the maintainer, and is far
 easier than tryig to remember the machine name that the maintainer
 actually happens to use.

	This also tends to insulate people from being hit by ISP/job
 changes, since the debian.org address remains constant. For this
 reason, the debian.org address is better than whatever I snarf out of
 /var/lib/dpkg/available -- do you realize how old a bo available file
 is at the moment?

 When Yahweh your gods has settled you in the land you're about to
 occupy, and driven out many infidels before you...you're to cut them
 down and exterminate them.  You're to make no compromise with them or
 show them any mercy. [Deut. 7:1 (KJV)]
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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