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Re: bash should not be essential

> Do you still think that "the use of { } makes the rules files clearer and

I'd just like to request that people stop making the same mistake that
deb-check does... Please abbreviate this construct to {,} but *no less
than that*.  It's legitimate, even *necessary* in some contexts, to
use { } in a way that is POSIX-compliant: ${FOO}.  Why is that needed?
In order to distinguish ${FOO}bar from $FOObar.  But the naive
interpretation that deb-check does [yes, I've filed a bug report]
misses that point, and claims that lots of scripts are bash-specific
when they aren't...  and it's easy to tell - any actual use of the
file-expansion trick is going to have a comma between the braces, so
looking for {.*,.*} or even {[^}]*,[^}]*} is accurate if you
pre-filter backslashes...

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