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Re: A thought on urgency

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 10:15:45PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> The idea we struck on was for each package to have a 'urgency serial
> number' which exists on the ring [0...N]. The difference in the priority
> serial numbers of any two packages indicates how urgent the upgrade is. 

Another possibility (presuming you have a small number of possible urgencies),
is to have a header more like:

		high 1.2-3
		medium 1.2-4
		low 1.2-6

That is, if you have a series of changelogs like:
	1.2-1 low
	1.2-2 low
	1.2-3 high
	1.2-4 medium
	1.2-5 low
	1.2-6 low

Then anything < 1.2-3 has a high need to upgrade, anything < 1.2-4 has a
medium need to upgrade and anything < 1.2-6 has a low need to upgrade. The
"low" is redundant. The tools still need to have some clue about what
the priorities actually mean, though.

That's fairly easy to calculate, fairly straightforward, and it doesn't
much matter how out of date you are, you can always know exactly how
urgent the current updates are.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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