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Re: can't sync to a palm vx

Ok, on the Palm, go to the HotSync app. select Menu / Connection Setup. From the list, select the connection you're using (probably "Serial to PC" or something like that) and press the Edit button. On the next screen, press the Details button. Check the speed and flow control. The speed should be set to the same thing as the PILOTRATE, flow control should probably be "Automatic".

PILOTRATE has to be set to the full bitrate, for example:

export PILOTRATE=57600

Are you getting any messages at all from pilot-xfer? Such as "weird packet" or something like that.

Now that I remember, AFAIK pilot-xfer doesn't support the "-p" flag (at least the version I have doesn't), so you need to set the PILOTPORT environment variable:

export PILOTPORT=/dev/ttyS1
export PILOTRATE=57600
pilot-xfer -l

(that's "minus ell". It's a good option to test connectivity, it should list all of the databases present on your palm)

Hope this helps,

Robert Waldner wrote:

On Thu, 01 Aug 2002 10:43:31 +0200, Mario Camou writes:
Are you using the correct speed? Check the serial port speed on the Palm then set the environment variable PILOTRATE accordingly.

I've tried with 9k6, 19k2 and 57k6.


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