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Re: prc-tools

>>>>> "Siggi" == Siggi Langauf <langausd@fachschaft.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de> writes:
    Siggi> On 17 Jan 2001, Stephen Zander wrote:
    >> (well, it is but the package is completely useless as then
    >> doesn't contain any target libraries).

    Siggi> Isn't it possible to build a package that requires the end
    Siggi> user to provide an original SDK at install time?  This way,
    Siggi> you could ensure that the SDK is installed without having
    Siggi> to redistribute it.

Reread the part of my email I left from your editing. :)

How do you expect to create executables without a runtime environment?
Building most of the prc-tools environment without the one piece that
makes it usable to a developer is nothing but an invitation to
continual flamage and building a source package a la qmail is both an
ugly hack and results in a 37.5M package. Download that over your
dial-up modem :/


"If I claimed I was emporer just cause some moistened bint lobbed a
scimitar at me they'd put me away"

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