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Re: pilot-mail -- where, oh where is mbox support :-)

>>>>> "Adam Lydick" == awlydick  <awlydick@bulldog.unca.edu> writes:

    > Hey, Just curious. I was deeply saddened to learn that
    > pilot-mail is missing mbox support. Given that I have no
    > intentions of switching to mh, I was wondering if there is an
    > alternative tool for hotsyncing my email, before I dive any
    > further into the pilot-mail source and start "fixing" things :-)

You don't have to switch to MH, you can use a single MH "inc" command
to convert an mbox file to an MH directory, which can then be dumped
to the pilot with pilot-mail.  I have one extra step, which is to
convert a Babyl format file from Emacs RMAIL to mbox, then to MH, then
to the pilot.  Circuitous, but it works.  The script I use follows.

One related thing I would like to be able to do that pilot-mail
doesn't seem able to is replace the whole inbox category in the mail
application when I do this.  I usually "pilot-xfer -d MailDB", then
open up the mail application to create a blank mail file, then dump
the new inbox.  Alternatively I could copy a blank MailDB.pdb from the
pilot, then install that before each mail sync, but it's still an
extra step.

#!/bin/csh -f
# Convert RMAIL file to mbox, then to mh, then transfer to pilot
# Kelsey Jordahl
rm ~/Mail/tmp/inbox/*
cat ~/Mail/RMAIL | formail -Bs > ~/Mail/rmail.mbox
inc -file ~/Mail/rmail.mbox
pilot-mail -p /dev/pilot -m ~/Mail/tmp/inbox -d file

(this also expects that ~/.mh_profile contains the line "Path: Mail/tmp".
Change as appropriate.)

Kelsey Jordahl                                 email: kels@mbari.org
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039

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