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Re: gdb with prc-tools under slink?

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Norman <tim@normsoft.com> writes:

    Tim> On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 12:15:08AM -0800, Ron Hale-Evans
    Tim> wrote:
    >> Can anyone get this to work? I'm sort of aghast that it doesn't
    >> run _at all_...
    Tim> I've been using the gdb in prc-tools 0.5.0r-3 for several
    Tim> days now with very few problems.  The only problems I've seen
    Tim> have to do with POSE crashing...  Debugging works fine.

This is the rub.  For some people gdb crashes at startup yet I (the
current maintainer of prc-tools) cannot get it to break for love nor
money.  Can't fix what I can't reproduce :(


"So if she weighs the same as a duck, she's made of wood."... "And
therefore?"... "A witch!"

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