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Dermot Bradley lives! :-)

Dermot John Bradley wrote:

> I'm still here.

Ok, sorry I panicked.

> What problem(s) exactly are you having with pilot-link?

Well, basically, the __register_frame_info problems.  Which seems to be
preventing it from running at all, on my system.

> Have you submitted any bug reports?

Already covered in #31630 and #33489.  Which, if I understand the
situation correctly, should be easily fixed by a simple recompile with
updated libraries and -dev packages.  My only additional comment might
be that #33489 applies to pilot-xfer as well as read-ical.

> The libraries can be used by other applications that want to
> communicate with a Palm Pilot directly rather than having to call
> pilot-link to do it.

Ok, good reason for splitting them out.  But when I did an "apt-get
install pilot-link" to get the potato version, it left the old library
installed.  I was just wondering if this might not be related to the
problems I (and apparently some others) are having?  Especially now that
I've heard that potato's pilot-link *is* working for some.  Perhaps
there should be a change in the SO name for the library if there are
incompatible changes?  (If.)  And/or a dependency on an exact version of
the library?  *shrug*

> I have download the latest 0.9.x release and hope to release an
> updated "potato" package soon. I just wanted to wait until "slink" was
> released.

Ah, ok, I've already downgraded back to the slink version.  I'm running
a mostly-slink system anyway.  I just wanted to see what was new in
pilot-link, but I can wait.

I do have a simple wishlist item for pilotconfig, but it's not a big
deal, I'll submit it through the usual channels.

Chris Waters   xtifr@dsp.net | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    xtifr@debian.org | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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