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Is Dermot Bradley Dead?

Just curious.  The pilot-link package in potato seems to have been
broken to the point of unusability for some time.  Do we need a new
maintainer?  I'm not enthusiastic about volunteering, but I'd probably
be willing to take over if Dermot has vanished and no one else wants the

I would have some questions for those who have been using the Debian
pilot tools a little longer than I have though, like, why was the
library split out of pilot-link into a separate package?  And would
newer versions of the pilot-link package really be compatible with
libraries from older versions?   Since the library is part of the source
package, it seems to me that the upstream maintainers might not be as
careful as they could about changing SO names and such.  But I'm not
familiar enough with the package to be sure one way or the other.
Chris Waters   xtifr@dsp.net | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    xtifr@debian.org | above, but it is too long to fit into
http://www.dsp.net/xtifr     | this .signature file.

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