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Re: RFS: libobject-result-perl

Thanks for the feedback!

On 2022-08-19 01:36, Yadd wrote:
On 19/08/2022 06:53, Gabriel Filion wrote:

I've created the package that's currently missing as a dependency to the lib that I was trying to package.

Could someone please review my work on the libobject-result-perl package? I've created a salsa repository and pushed my work there with "dpt salsa pushrepo"


license problem: "This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself" means "Artistic or GPL-1+", not "Artistic-2.0 or GPL-1+"

ah! right ok. the Makefile.pl does mention only artistic2 whereas the README says that it can be distributed under the same terms as perl.

should I include all of those, like "Artistic or Artistic-2.0 or GPL-1+" or is just "Artistic or GPL-1+" preferable?

Note: I've also created this upstream bug report about the typo that lintian found: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=144048

You can also patch it

I sent a patch for this to the git repo. so only thing left is the license to figure out


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