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Re: Packages in 'Request for Upload', DD and PGP

On Tue, 24 Nov 2020 15:07:11 +1030, Ken Ibbotson wrote:

> I have been part of the group for a short time - still getting my head
> around some aspects.

I'm sorry for having dropped the ball on some (private and/or
on-the-list) conversations around the packages you were working on.
> However, two packages that I uploaded indicated that they are in some *Request
> for Upload* stream.
> I did some searching on the Debian Perl Group pages, but have not found any
> details on how to get them uploaded.
> How do I get these packages in the upload stream processed?

We currently have no really good system for requestion uploads /
making it easy for DDs to spot packages in need of a review/upload.
(Back in the days we had PET for that purpose.)

What we have is:
- https://tracker.debian.org/teams/pkg-perl/ (which apparently still
  has no "ready for upload" section)
- DMD, the UDD-backed maintainer dashboard:
  which also provides an RSS feed which I'm using (but I might miss
  things there because it's noisy)
- watching #debian-perl-changes (which I also do but ever more noise)
- asking on the list or on IRC in #debian-perl

Please note that both for DMD and humans looking at a repo, the
distribution in debian/changelog must be changed from UNRELEASED to
unstable (or other suites) to show that a package is ready and no
longer WIP.

Summary (for you and other non-DDs): if noone picks up a package in
need of review, feel free to ask here on the list or on IRC.
> I have my PGP key, so also wondering whether all email should include same
> or just selected emails - if so what governs inclusion?

Personally I'm signing all my emails (as long as I send them from my
laptop which has the private key) but that's a matter of taste.

> I have updated Git local and origin, and starting to exchange keys to build
> Web of Trust.
> Would be happy to engage others to exchange keys.

Let's hope there will be physical meetings again in the not so
distant future, which can also be used for keysigning.


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 `. `'  Member VIBE!AT & SPI Inc. -- Supporter Free Software Foundation Europe
   `-   NP: Beatles: Fool On The Hill

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