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Re: Mitigating effects of Bug #750946

On Thursday, 31 August 2017 18:59:41 CEST gregor herrmann wrote:
> AFAICS, in each of these cases HTML::HTML5::Parser is brought in as a
> transitive dependency via some other package.

Indeed, but it was the immediate dependency point that was difficult to me.
> % reverse-depends libhtml-html5-parser-perl
> Reverse-Recommends
> ==================
> * libhtml-html5-sanity-perl
> * libhtml-html5-writer-perl

Aha, this was it that didn't make sense to me. Right, so even though 
HTML::HTML5::Writer recommends HTML::HTML5::Parser in its metadata, it is 
not used in code at all. A recommends is therefore too strong. If there 
should be a relationship, suggests is more appropriate, i.e. 
libhtml-html5-writer-perl suggests libhtml-html5-parser-perl
Actually, I think I would just remove the relationship alltogether, but 
that's your call. :-)

The relationship between libhtml-html5-sanity-perl and libhtml-html5-
parser-perl is different. However, HTML::HTML5::Sanity clearly enhances 
HTML::HTML5::Parser, but a recommends is too strong (I have never used 
H:H:Sanity) and doesn't really reflect what it does:

My suggestion is therefore
libhtml-html5-sanity-perl Enhances libhtml-html5-parser-perl 
libhtml-html5-parser-perl Suggests libhtml-html5-sanity-perl

Jonas, do you want me to file bugs about this? 

> Reverse-Depends
> ===============
> * libatteanx-endpoint-perl

OK, this is something we have to fix as upstreams.

> * libhtml-html5-microdata-parser-perl
> * libhtml-html5-outline-perl
> * libhtml-microformats-perl

OK, so this is not something we can fix, they are too tightly coupled to 

> * libhttp-lrdd-perl

Hmmm, I'm not too familiar with this code... However, it doesn't appear to 
ever instantiate an object of the HTML::HTML5::Parser class... It might be 
able to be fixed, but the LRDD spec died, I think, so I think we can 
conclude it is unmaintained.

> * librdf-endpoint-perl

This is an upstream task. I have submitted a PR for Greg's review about it. 
Same fix can be applied to libatteanx-endpoint-perl if he likes it.

> * librdf-rdfa-parser-perl

Soooo, this is the hard one... It can use several parsers, so 
HTML::HTML5::Parser isn't strictly required, but it is the most reasonable 
choice. One may argue that a recommends is appropriate, but suggests is 
certainly not. I'm inclined to suggest leaving it as it is, and hope 
something hops up to fix #750946.



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