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Re: Build packages with Dependencies

Matt .:

> OK, that would be good as well, but the issue is, they are not
> build as well.

$ dh-make-perl --cpan Email::Abstract  --build --recursive
+ MRO::Compat found in libmro-compat-perl
= warnings is in core since 5.6.0
+ Email::Simple >= 1.998 found in libemail-simple-perl (>= 1.998)
= Module::Pluggable >= 1.5 is in core since 5.8.9
= perl >= 5.006 is in core
= Scalar::Util is in core since 5.7.3
= Carp is in core since 5.0.0
= strict is in core since 5.0.0

Needs the following debian packages: libmro-compat-perl, perl (>= 5.8.9), libemail-simple-perl (>= 1.998)
= lib is in core since 5.1.0
= ExtUtils::MakeMaker is in core since 5.0.0
= Test::More >= 0.96 is in core since 5.13.4
= File::Spec is in core since 5.4.50

As I already said, MRO::Compat and Email::Simple do not need to
be built since their packages are already found in the archive
and can be installed by using APT.

This is the expected behaviour for dh-make-perl, AFAIK.


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