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Hi everybody,

Following the suggestion of Dominique Dumont, I am hereby expressing my intent in joining the Debian Perl team. I am a long time Perl user (since ~1996) and Debian (since ~2003). I have released many distributions on CPAN and quite a few of them have even been packaged as Debian packages by others.

Aside from Dominique, I have also exchanged a few emails in the past with gregor (mostly regarding some bugs in my distributions) and possibly other Debian Perl team members too, unknowingly (I'll lurk on to see who else are on this list).

My Debian packaging skill is just average and probably a bit out of date. I have done some Debian packaging for internal/$work as well as packaged some CPAN distributions using the dh-make-perl tool, but haven't done any such work in the past ~2 years.

My current interest is packaging App::pause. Dominique has submitted an ITP for it back in May 2015 [1] but gave up because the distribution depends on too many modules. I've since then used fatpacking, but that is also problematic with Debian's no-convenience-copies policy. The current incarnation of App::pause does not use fatpacking and only depends on a few modules, so I hope to get the ball rolling again.

In the future I hope to contribute to helping with packaging other CPAN distributions, be it mine or others'.


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2015/05/msg00352.html

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