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Re: creating github pull requests in pkg-perl-tools

Jonathan Yu:

> My goal with the repository was to use it as a mirror for pkg-perl

There's an issue that I hadn't thought of before which is that
some of pkg-perl repositories have the same name that the ones
upstream (e.g. starman). So using the same repository for both
purposes (mirroring pkg-perl and forking upstream) won't work.

> What advantage do you see for using the org to fork the repos rather than
> your personal account? It seems confusing to use debian-perl for upstream
> code (rather, at least to me, it makes more sense to use it for downstream
> - our packaging code), but I might be the only person that thinks this.

Sharing access to pkg-perl team forks and pull requests should
be more tolerant to bus factor, i.e. if some DD that created a
pull request upstream can't work on that for a while, other
team fellows could take over and work with upstream to get it

On the other hand, since it seems that the Debian organization
in GitHub is already addressing the purpose of pull requests,
it makes sense that we use it too. I created pkg-perl-tools
organitzation in GitHub to develop and test a proof of concept
but using Debian organization should be better in the long term.


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