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Re: RfC: Moving not-pkg-perl-team-specific lintian tests from pkg-perl-tools to lintian proper

On 2015-05-15 21:32, Axel Beckert wrote:
> Hi,
> I intent to move some lintian tests currently used by the Debian Perl
> Team an packaged in the pkg-perl lintian profile shipped with
> pkg-perl-tools into lintian.
> [...]

I had a quick look today.  I admit having skimmed over the ".desc" files
rather quickly and I have not looked at the severity/certain details.

> My main movation is to get the check application-not-library with the
> following tags into lintian:
> * libapp-perl-package-name
> * library-package-name-for-application
> * application-in-library-section
> This check actually already supports also python and ruby libraries.

These 3 tags looks reasonable at first glance.  A couple of remarks
about the implementation:

 * Use of "grep" in boolean context => Please us "any" from
 * Unused capture groups in regexes
 * Assumes fields are defined (e.g. "Section").  Please use the two
   argument from of $info->field to get a default value if unset or
   explicitly check for it being undef.
 * The anchoring of "libs" in the regex checking the "Section" fields
   does not account for (e.g.) "non-free/libs".

> Looking through the other checks, I'd consider the following tests
> also useful for others:
> Check: cdbs (perl-specific)
>   Tag: arch-any-package-needs-newer-cdbs (*)
>   Tag: module-build-tiny-needs-newer-cdbs

I believe Jonas already raised concerns about these.

> Check: debhelper (perl-specific)
>   Tag: arch-any-package-needs-newer-debhelper (*)
>   Tag: module-build-tiny-needs-newer-debhelper

I presume the same issue holds for these.

> Check: module-name
>   Tag: no-module-name-in-description (*)

Ok - it /might/ make sense to turn into a binary check and merge into
the "description"-check.

Maybe: perl-module-name-not-mentioned-in-description ?

> Check: modulebuild
>   Tag: libmodule-build-perl-needs-to-be-in-build-depends
>   Tag: libmodule-build-tiny-perl-needs-to-be-in-build-depends

It seems to be exactly the purpose of
clean-should-be-satisfied-by-build-depends to test this, so perhaps we
can extend existing tag here.

I realise the implementation of the existing tag works differently (it
also scans the rules file), so perhaps just reuse the tag name and move
the code into d/rules.

> Check: no-perl-modules
>   Tag: depends-on-perl-modules

Yes please.  Though please consider the following:

 * Perhaps use implies('perl-modules') instead of matches(...)
 * Given the implementation also checks "negative-dependencies", perhaps
   the tag should be renamed.
 * You probably want to hard code an exception for the perl source

> Check: usr-lib-perl5
>   Tag: usr-lib-perl5-mentioned

Ok.  Please:

 * Chose a more descriptive tag name.  Maybe:
 * Clean up the (unused) imports
 * Standardise on "a->property" without empty () following the method
   name.  I cannot remember if our perlcritic/perltidy setup is
   enforcing this, but I believe it was the style we were going for.

> Check: xs-abi
>   Tag: legacy-vendorarch-directory (*)

Ack on this, with the following remarks:

 * Consider using "$proc->pkg_arch" instead of
   "$info->field('architecture')".  I cannot remember off-hand if
   lintian can actually cope with this field being missing, but I
   prefer that $info->field is generally used in a way that handles
   missing fields.
 * Please load "Dpkg::Version" unconditionally.  We load it
   unconditionally in a different check anyway.
 * Another instance of "unused capture groups".

> [...]
> 		Regards, Axel

Side note: As noted in #660733, our reporting framework is now capable
of re-scanning all packages in the archive.  Once you have the basics
down, we can pull them to lindsay.d.o and do a trial run.  A couple of
items to keep in mind though:

 * It will take lintian 3+ weeks to process all packages at its current
   rate.  We can speed it up a bit by doing an extra processing run
   (without updating the website).

 * Unreleased tags should generally be experimental if we do this.
   We have gotten a complaint or two from people frustrated by lintian
   in the archive not producing the same result as the one on


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