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Re: Prospective Debian Perl Sprint in Barcelona


Alex Muntada wrote:
> A few Debian events have emerged since we last talked about having a
> Debian Perl sprint in Barcelona, so I made a calendar:

maybe you could setup a Doodle-like poll (preferably with one of the
free clones like e.g. https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/ or
http://du7f.koalatux.ch/) for those dates you consider appropriate.

That's likely easier to get an overview over who would come and when
they have time.

(I'm not sure if you'd like to let the participants decide if a date
clash with another Debian event is relevant or not, or if you want to
exclude them generally from such a poll, otherwise I'd done it.)

> Do you feel it still makes sense to have a sprint in Barcelona having
> several Debian events on the months ahead?

I think there's still place for a perl-specific event.

Ideas for what could be done at such an event can be found at
and on http://pet.debian.net/pkg-perl/pet.cgi

> The venue would be in the Computer Arquitecture Department at UPC North Campus:
>   * http://www.ac.upc.edu/en/location
> Maybe it would be cool to find a venue near the city centre

Looks not that bad on the map. It's seems only about 1.5 times as far
as I bicycled through Barcelona when switching train stations on my
way to DebConf 9 in Caceres. :-)

Unfortunately the night-train from Zurich to Barcelona no more exists.

> Regarding the accomodation, there's the option to book a room just a
> few minutes from the venue, but it's far from the city centre:
>   * http://www.resa.es/eng/Residences/Torre-Girona/daily-accommodation/(reservas)/Diario/(sec)/full

"If your visit to the residence hall is related to the UPC (attending
a congress, guest lecturing, studying) click here and you may benefit
from out special rates" sounds nice. :-)

> FWIW, I'll be in Brussels next weekend ;-)

I won't attend FOSDEM this year.

		Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <abe@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
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