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override: unifont-bin:x11/extra

Package: ftp.debian.org

The package unifont-bin in version 7.0.05-1 had its priority set to
its long-time default of "x11 - optional".  A bug was detected with
that package because it has a Depends entry for libgd-perl, which only
has priority "extra" as does its predecessor, libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl.
the libgd-perl package contains functions for reading and writing
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) files and is essential for three
programs now in unifont-bin.

To fix that bug, I created a new package, unifont version 7.0.06-1
(which includes unifont-bin).  That new package set the priority of
unifont-bin to "x11 - extra".  Now Debian is reporting a problem with
this new package's priority being overridden.

Section 2.5 of the Policy Manual states: "Packages must not depend on
packages with lower priority values (excluding build-time
dependencies). In order to ensure this, the priorities of one or more
packages may need to be adjusted."

My last choice would be to remove the three Perl scripts that operate
on PNG files from unifont-bin.

I think there is an argument to be made for libgd-perl having its
priority elevated from "extra" to "optional".  There are about 2500
systems reporting in popcon that they have either libgd-perl or
libgd-gd2-noxpm-perl installed:



However, I realize this probably won't happen before the freeze and I
then would still need to upload a new release with a modified
debian/control file before the freeze.

I could modify my package back to the original priority of "optional",
but then it would not conform to Section 2.5 of the Policy Manual.

Therefore, I am asking the FTP Masters to change the override priority
of package unifont-bin from "optional" to "extra" as the least
disruptive solution.  Then this package can migrate to Testing.  Fewer
than 200 systems report having the unifont-bin package installed on
popcon: https://qa.debian.org/popcon-graph.php?packages=unifont-bin.

Thank you,

Paul Hardy

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