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new upstream release depends on not packaged modules

Hi All,

I need a suggestion on what to do in the following situation:
I tried to update libdancer-session-cookie package [0] to the new
upstream version [1], but the new upstream version depends on not
packaged module "Session::Storage::Secure" which in turn depends on a
number of other modules...
I didn't go further by checking the deps of these modules :)


dh-make-perl  --pkg-perl --cpan Session::Storage::Secure


Needs the following debian packages during building: perl (>= 5.13.4),
libnumber-tolerant-perl, libtest-fatal-perl, libtest-deep-perl
Needs the following modules for which there are no debian packages
 - Crypt::URandom
 - Sereal::Encoder
 - Sereal::Decoder
 - MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base
 - Test::Tolerant


The only solution I see is to package all these modules. Or is there
other way ?
Thank you,

[1] https://metacpan.org/source/DAGOLDEN/Dancer-Session-Cookie-0.18/Changes

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