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Bug#675877: ITP: libmason-plugin-cache-perl -- component cache object and filter for Mason

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Florian Schlichting <fschlich@zedat.fu-berlin.de>

* Package name    : libmason-plugin-cache-perl
  Version         : 0.04
  Upstream Author : Jonathan Swartz <swartz@pobox.com>
* URL             : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mason-Plugin-Cache/
* License         : GPL-1+, Artistic
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : component cache object and filter for Mason

Mason::Plugin::Cache is a plugin for the Mason web templating framework
that adds a cache method and Cache filter to access a cache (CHI) object
with a namespace unique to the component.

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