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Re: Bug#664561: libtemplate-perl: New upstream release 2.24 please?


So I actually *have* prepared a new upload of libtemplate-perl but
part of the source package is missing (basically, the external
documentation which has been moved to a new tarball by upstream).

I am contacting upstream to try to arrange for this. The external
documentation isn't necessary, but it does seem useful if we can
arrange it before we upload a version of the package without it.

<quote who="Dominic Hargreaves" date="Sun, Apr 08, 2012 at 05:17:58PM +0100">
> I wondered whether now would be a good time to suggest that I adopt
> libtemplate-perl for the Debian Perl group? The high number of recent
> NMUs on this package (including new upstream releases) suggests that it
> an ideal candidate for a team maintained package. You would of course be
> welcome to join in as part of the team.

There have been two NMUs and two MUs in 4 the last four years. :)

I'm very happy and open to NMUs and invite interested people to making
them. Part the reason the package in NMUed because I am open to this
kind of help. Please don't confuse this openness as meaning that I am
not interested in continuing to maintain the package.

In any case, I don't have the bandwidth to follow the whole
debian-perl list but I would like to continue to maintain these
package. And, as I have in the past, I welcome help and NMUs. :)


Benjamin Mako Hill

Creativity can be a social contribution, but only in so far
as society is free to use the results. --GNU Manifesto

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