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Re: Text-Markdown-Discount

On Sun, Jan 01, 2012 at 04:20:42PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> discount is a markdown implementation in C, already packaged in Debian.
> I would be most appreciative if someone would package the perl binding
> http://search.cpan.org/~sekimura/Text-Markdown-Discount-0.01/lib/Text/Markdown/Discount.pm
> I have a package that would like to depend on it.

AFAICT that module is abandoned and uses a quite outdated version of 
discount (it uses v1.3.4 vs. upstream v2.1.2). The maintainer of the module 
has also been contacted, but didn't responded [0]. IMHO it isn't a much
valid candidate for Debian as it is now.

I'd be ok helping with (or completely taking over) its development (/me 
being maintainer of discount in Debian) if the current developer responded,
or developing an alternative if that turns out to be not possible as it 
looks like right now (I have already planned to do a Text::Markdown::XS 
based on discount since the Text::Markdown::Discount development is not
mushc active, but I never managed to start coding it).

> Even better, sundown https://github.com/tanoku/sundown is another C
> markdown implementation that seems faster than discount and seems to
> emphasise security. It is not yet packaged and lacks a perl binding
> but I don't think an XS would be hard to write after looking at it
> briefly.

IIRC there are a couple of places where sundown is inferior if compared to 
discount (the ones that I noticed), like the autolink feature (which is not 
much flexible) and the supported markdown extensions (and of course 

Also from the "Install" section of its README file:

> There is nothing to install. Sundown is composed of 3 .c files 
> (markdown.c, buffer.c and array.c), so just throw them in your project. 

It does not even set the SONAME. To package it for Debian its build process 
would need to be re-worked (I already looked at sundown, before deciding to 
package discount).

I never used it extensively so I cannot comment further, but apart from the 
above shortcomings it looks like a valid Markdown implementation (I can't
tell if it's faster or more secure than discount though).


[0] https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=66012

perl -E'$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'

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