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Re: Mass-filing bug against use of '/usr/bin/env perl' shebang line

* [Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 11:38:42AM +0200] Ansgar Burchardt:
Having a lintian check for this would be nice.

Yes, I was planning to look at it, possibly in a couple of days. Any hint is greatly appreciated, as I've never dug into lintian's `internals'.

Also Policy is a bit unclear about the requirement: Policy 10.4 has
"In the case of Perl scripts this should be #!/usr/bin/perl" (SHOULD),
only the Perl Policy has a MUST. I filed a bug for this issue[1].
Please note that I personally have no strong opinion about this.

 [1] <http://bugs.debian.org/683495>

Thanks for pointing it out. As you've argued, "Policy 11.9 only says packages SHOULD follow the Perl policy", so, all in all, the shebang requirement has to be considered a MUST of a SHOULD requirement. I feel comfortable with it resolving to a SHOULD requirement per itself.

In particular I don't think the one here is serious: you cannot rely on
programs working properly once you provide your own versions of system

Good point. I'm now persuaded it isn't an hard requirement, so a severity `serious' isn't appropriate. Anyway, your argument goes further. As I read it, apart from violating a policy clause, there's no serious reason in considering it bug. I mean: i.e., for python, for which AFAIK no similar requirement is specified, it cannot be considered a bug.[0] I for myself don't care much about Python or Ruby or others - as I tend not to use them - but, generally speaking (so not limiting to Perl), I support the idea that Debian should ease the possibility for the user of working/develop/whatever with one or more custom environments and at the same time being able to run Debian-shipped scripts.[1] Sure the user can accommodate it himself, with varying degrees of hassle, but OTOH I don't see the point of using env instead of the punctual binary path. Back to the point: I'm inclined to consider the bug `important', but I'd like to hear your opinions about the matter.

Gian Piero.

[0] Please note I'm speculating about your statement, I'm in no way implying this is your actual position.

[1] In other words: I support the idea of Debian being as user-resilient as possible :).

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