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Request to join the Perl group


My name is Olof Johansson. I'm an undergrad software engineering student 
at Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, doing my final semester. 
I'm interested in joining the Perl group and helping out the best I can. 

I'm developing a DNS admin web interface as a hobby project using
Catalyst and would probably want to package a few dependencies for
Debian for ease of deployment. I'm also a CPAN author, with two small 
modules. PAUSE ID: OLOF (old PAUSE ID: ZIBRI). 

I've been using Debian since end of Sarge/beginning of Etch, and been
following the Perl group for a couple of years. Having thought of
joining for a while. I have read through the policy documents etc, but
will have a look at them again. I have very little packaging experience, 
but hope to learn a thing or two.

My alioth account is olof-guest.

(I've also been idling in #debian-perl at OFTC as zibri for a couple
of years.)

- Olof Johansson
-  www:          http://www.stdlib.se/
-  {mail,xmpp}:  olof@ethup.se
-  irc:          zibri on Freenode/OFTC/IRCnet/...

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