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Re: packaging with git and upstream interaction [was: Pkg-perl-cvs-commits post from legatvs@gmail.com requires approval]

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On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 10:05:48AM +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
>I admit the clive upstream merge had some hiccups. "The Imported 
>Upstream version 2.1.10" commit (a62417d) should have been empty, but 
>it has a significant diff. So I guess the merge from 
>upstream-repo/master into upstream branch was badly made (by me, there 
>were some conflicts (surprisingly) and I haven't paid enough atention 
>when resolving them). Fixing this is possible, but would involve 
>rewriting the history, which would break any clones of the repository 
>so I leave things as they are. It should behave better next time.

In my experience, a couple of things can lead to hiccups:

* If upstream development track include .gitignore and tarball does not, 
e.g. to ignore automade files during development and ship those same 
files in the tarball, then git-import-src gets confused.  I am not 
entirely sure yet, but I believe the tool does the right thing in 
"upstream" branch (prepares the tarball contents in a temporary 
throwaway branch and force-replace the "upstream" branch), but for the 
merge from "upstream" to "master" to succeed, you need to manually "git 
rm" the .gitignore files *before* importing the new source.

* Git tries to detect files moving around: If one file is removed and 
another is added with exact same content in same commit, then it is 
treated as a moved file.  Usually this won't happen, but syncronizing 2 
different kinds of commits (upstream development, tarball imports, and 
maybe also old Debian packaging cruft outside the debian/ dir) can 
confuse git to apply later updates to one file onto another file.  It 
won't do it silently, you will have a conflict to resolve, but can be a 
real mess to do.

What I have found to be the easiest way to solve merge conflicts during git-import-src is the following:

  1. "git rm -rf" everything except .git/ and debian/ subdirs
  2. manually unpack tarball
  3. "git add" everything except .git/ and debian/ subdirs
  5. Double-check with "git status" that all changes are registered
  4. "git commit" to commit the resolved merge

>Hm, should I stop merging from upstream-repo? I do it only because it 
>"feels right". The code flows from upstream and we add debian/ to it 
>and then create the package.

I prefer this approach too.

>Or, should the post-recieve hook be improved somehow to not notify 
>about commits that were merged into master (only by the 'merge' commit 
>itself)? That would require using --no-ff when merging from upstream 
>to master. Something to try for the next time...

Looking forward to your experiments here :-)

  - jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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