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DBD::SQLite Outstanding Bugs/Co-Maintainership Request

Hi there:

Thanks for writing and maintaining the DBD::SQLite module!

However, there are a lot of test failures related to the upstream
DBD::SQLite module, that I'd like to fix. There are plenty of
outstanding bugs on the Request Tracker [1], and also some bugs with
patches in the Debian-perl repository.

The RT lists:
  New 	 40
  Open 	18
  Stalled 	1

Which, for such a useful module like DBD::SQLite, seems a bit
excessive. I just want to ensure that the module development doesn't
fall stagnant, because it's such a useful module and it's so important
to keep it up to date for all those who use it.

So, what I want to do is contribute some of these patches upstream to
the DBD::SQLite module and close some of those open bugs on the RT. To
that end, what I am requesting is co-maintainership of your package or
access to your version control system (hopefully SVN).

I ask this because I know you're probably pretty busy on other things,
and I have some experience working on CPAN-related stuff, and I want
to lend a hand if I can. Also, and of course with open source there's
always a selfish side, I want to make sure the test reports for my
module stop reporting errors in DBD::SQLite itself.


Jonathan Yu
(PAUSE: frequency)

[1] http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=DBD-SQLite

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