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Re: On a side note (TPR)

On Jan 20, 2009, at 3:43 AM, Gunnar Wolf wrote:

Jeremiah Foster dijo [Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 06:20:43PM +0100]:

If you get the Perl Review[0], check out the article on CPAN patching with git - it might be very useful for the debian perl team to adopt an approach like this. Especially when git begins to get wider acceptance in the perl community and this type of patch becomes common practice.

Also, I have spoken to brian d. foy, the publisher of The Perl Review, about a group subscription for the debian perl team. I don't know if this is of interest to anyone but I think it is a worthwhile magazine. A pdf subscription is pretty cheap already.

Over one year ago, slightly after we met at the Vienna YAPC, I
submitted the article I wrote for the talk I held there (integrating
large Free Software repositories: Debian and Perl) to Brian. He gave
me some observations I could update the article with, so it could be
accepted... But I never got around to actually do it. Brian approached
me some months later, re-stating the offer to have the article appear
if said adequations were done. I _am_ interested, but to be honest, I
have grown much less active lately, and I fear I might be missing
important parts of the pkg-perl group's recent activity.

So... Does this sound interesting to you? To someone else? Do you want
to be an author? Impress your friends? Take over the world? :-)

I would love to take over the world, but I don't really have the wardrobe.

You're a wonderful writer Gunnar, I really think you ought to finish the article and publish it yourself in the TPR, or do a summary of the excellent talk you gave at YAPC::EU 2007. In fact, brian has spoken to me about doing an all debian issue. Which means I need to mobilize everyone on this mailing list somehow to produce something. And I will not tolerate excuses - I know what you guys can do so I know that there are some interesting things worth writing about.

I am more than happy to take your work and live off of it, in fact, that is what I do! My talk at YAPC::EU was all based on your paper the year before and the work we do on pkg-perl. But the real shocking truth is that people are interested in what we do. I think the debian issue of The Perl Review will be interesting and I look forward to it.

So, in short, yes - your article sounds very interesting. Not just to me, but I am certain to lots of people.


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