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The nopaste package (libapp-nopaste-perl)


So while upgrading this package, I've come across two things:
1. it could benefit from some optional dependencies which are unlikely
to be useful to anything else.
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- WWW::Mechanize                     ...loaded. (1.58)
- Module::Pluggable                  ...loaded. (3.9)
- Moose                              ...loaded. (0.92 >= 0.74)
- MooseX::Getopt                     ...loaded. (0.23 >= 0.17)
[pastebin.com support]
- WWW::Pastebin::PastebinCom::Create ...missing.
[rafb.net support]
- WWW::Pastebin::RafbNet::Create     ...missing.
[copying of URLs with -x/--copy]
- Clipboard                          ...missing.
[Github authentication (having Git installed works too)]
- Config::INI::Reader                ...missing. (would need 0.00)
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.

Because they're not useful to much else, I'm planning to attempt to
develop a bundle of the other WWW::Pastebin modules.

2. it should probably be renamed to 'nopaste', given that it better
matches the point of this module (as a standalone application rather
than a library as the name suggests). I take it that many of the other
applications we have in Debian are written in Perl and are available
in CPAN, and yet do not carry a libXXX-perl style name.

I'm not sure what impact this will have, but we have done renames
before (for other reasons), so it can't be *that* big of an issue;
probably just requires an override from the ftp-masters. It should be
noted that the reverse dependencies are still really small, and
instead of a "libapp-nopaste-perl" providing "nopaste", it would be

However, given the latter (the package provides 'nopaste' as a virtual
package), I guess this is a moot point. Instead of deleting the above
point I've decided just to allow the group some input there.



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