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Future of libevent-perl

Hi all:

Given the recent split of POE's few event loops into their own
modules, the question of the future of the Gtk and Event loops in
particular have come up. Gtk is no longer a possibility, as
libgtk-perl has already been removed from Debian, however,
libevent-perl still remains.

Upstream, there are 3 outstanding bugs
(http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Event) and several
FAIL reporst (http://www.cpantesters.org/distro/E/Event.html#Event-1.12).
The author also mentions: "ALERT: Marc Lehmann may have taken over the
future of event loops in Perl. Check out his libev library and EV Perl
module. 25 Aug 2009" so there is a distinct possibility this module
will disappear sometime in the near future.

For now, I suppose it would be okay to maintain the Event loop system
for POE. I'd like to get the group's opinions on it, as some have
given me the impression that libevent-perl is slated to disappear
sometime. It should be noted that there are no removal requests/etc
for libevent-perl currently.



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