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Please try to build libhttp-proxy-perl


This is an attempt to check if the patches for libhttp-proxy-perl
works since now works for me (at least!), I just added two patches:

* less_headers_50hopbyhop.patch: This patch t/50hopbyhop.t, removes
headers made up like Foo, Bar, they were the only ones giving undef,
other headers (standard ones) like user-agent were doing ok.

* proxy_port_23connect.patch: it just adds a port to the call of the
proxy, it was 0 before.

Please, try it.

Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
GPG 0xCACAB118 0x7C4DF50D
http://joseluisrivas.net/acerca - http://ghostbar.ath.cx/about

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