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Re: YAPC North America talk on dh-make-perl vs. CPANPLUS

On Wed, 2009-10-06 at 09:16 -0400, Jonathan Yu wrote:
> I suppose the
> idea is that dh-make-perl is more for us pkg-perl people, and that
> cpan2dist is more for other people who just want to install a package.

This is quite a different emphasis:

I treat cpan2dist as a way of making it easier on my sysadmin to manage
Perl modules that I would otherwise just install with the CPAN shell --
installing into /usr/local instead of /usr, for example -- and I don't
try to match up with any of those historical edge cases.

A sysadmin needs to be able to do things in /usr/local as he sees fit.

However, upgrading a system package to a higher version might break
things badly unless the new package has been tested with the system.
Most sysadmins, I've worked with are well-aware of this problem and
would be careful but in any case, if the sysadmin breaks something, it's
his responsibility to fix it.

It might be useful to review: CPANPLUS::Dist::Deb
to see if it checks under /usr before installing things in /usr/local.

I'll take a look at it but I'm not in a position yet to do much useful
about it (still running etch, sarge, and woody).

> I think the key take-away from this article is that we should work on
> dh-make-perl (I can volunteer to spend very limited time hacking on
> it) to get it to recursively package things, and to create a much
> quicker & dirtier package when --pkg-perl is not specified. 

I understood there was an organized project to work on dh-make-perl and
I don't think spending limited time hacking would be that useful.


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