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RFC: dh-make-perl: two fixes


Here are two patches that fix little issues that I've come across
in the past couple of days while running dh-make-perl on a couple
of CPAN modules.  I could commit the fixes straight away, but
since those both touch somewhat, ehm, *important* parts of dh-make-perl
(they are both related to determining the versions to put in
the control file for a new module), I thought I'd ask for review
before just breaking dh-make-perl for everyone :)  I've tested it
with several CPAN modules, but there's always the chance that
possible bugs will only appear with others.

The first change: do not put "libfoo-perl (>= 0.000-1)" for
modules that actually *do* have a dependency on version 0.000 in
their META.yml / Makefile.PL / whatever file! :)  For an example of
this behavior, try

  dh-make-perl --cpan Software::License --pkg-perl

...and look at Build-Depends-Indep.

The second change: when pruning the dependencies aggregated from
distinct sources, fix the replacement of an older version with
a newer one.  This shows up in the somewhat rare case when there
are two different ways a package depends on another one, and
the two dependencies specify different versions - a rare case, but
exactly the one that prune() was meant to handle :)  For an example
of this behavior, look at the Test::Kwalitee CPAN module which has
a "require 5.6.2" directive; Debian::Dependencies->prune() then has
to update a 5.6.0-12 dependency to 5.6.2 and comes up with a bare
"Build-Depends-Indep: 5.6.2" in the control file.  Try it:

  dh-make-perl --cpan Test::Kwalitee --pkg-perl

...and look at Build-Depends-Indep.

Both patches are below.  If nobody objects, I will commit them in
a day or three.

Thanks for reading this far ;)


diff -urN -urN -x tags -x .svn ./lib/Debian/Dependency.pm /fs/linux/home/roam/deb/pkg-perl/pkg-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl/lib/Debian/Dependency.pm
--- ./lib/Debian/Dependency.pm	2009-04-25 01:47:28.000000000 +0300
+++ /fs/linux/home/roam/deb/pkg-perl/pkg-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl/lib/Debian/Dependency.pm	2009-04-24 18:44:52.000000000 +0300
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     my $self = shift;
     return (
-          $self->ver
+          $self->ver && $self->ver !~ /^0+(\.0+)?$/
         ? $self->pkg . ' (' . $self->rel . ' ' . $self->ver . ')'
         : $self->pkg
diff -urN -urN -x tags -x .svn ./lib/Debian/Dependencies.pm /fs/linux/home/roam/deb/pkg-perl/pkg-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl/lib/Debian/Dependencies.pm
--- ./lib/Debian/Dependencies.pm	2009-04-25 01:47:28.000000000 +0300
+++ /fs/linux/home/roam/deb/pkg-perl/pkg-perl/trunk/dh-make-perl/lib/Debian/Dependencies.pm	2009-04-24 19:09:33.000000000 +0300
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
         if ( exists $deps{$p} ) {
             my $cur_ver = $deps{$p}->ver;
-            $deps{$p} = $v
+            $deps{$p} = Debian::Dependency->new($p, $v)
                 if defined($v) and not defined($cur_ver)
                     or $AptPkg::Config::_config->system->versioning->compare(
                         $cur_ver, $v ) < 0;

Peter Pentchev	roam@ringlet.net    roam@space.bg    roam@FreeBSD.org
PGP key:	http://people.FreeBSD.org/~roam/roam.key.asc
Key fingerprint	FDBA FD79 C26F 3C51 C95E  DF9E ED18 B68D 1619 4553
This sentence would be seven words long if it were six words shorter.

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