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On a side note (TPR)

Jeremiah Foster dijo [Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 06:20:43PM +0100]:
> Hello,
> If you get the Perl Review[0], check out the article on CPAN patching with git - it might be very useful for the debian perl team to adopt an 
> approach like this. Especially when git begins to get wider acceptance in the perl community and this type of patch becomes common practice.
> Also, I have spoken to brian d. foy, the publisher of The Perl Review, about a group subscription for the debian perl team. I don't know if 
> this is of interest to anyone but I think it is a worthwhile magazine. A pdf subscription is pretty cheap already.

Over one year ago, slightly after we met at the Vienna YAPC, I
submitted the article I wrote for the talk I held there (integrating
large Free Software repositories: Debian and Perl) to Brian. He gave
me some observations I could update the article with, so it could be
accepted... But I never got around to actually do it. Brian approached
me some months later, re-stating the offer to have the article appear
if said adequations were done. I _am_ interested, but to be honest, I
have grown much less active lately, and I fear I might be missing
important parts of the pkg-perl group's recent activity.

So... Does this sound interesting to you? To someone else? Do you want
to be an author? Impress your friends? Take over the world? :-)


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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